Post Niles Renaissance Faire

Hey everyone, I forgot to tell you about this one afterwards. But I remembered, yay me and yay you. Lol

Here we go…. Niles was fine. At first I thought we were going to have a great spot, ended up not so great once Swords of Valor set up. They completely blocked our tent from sight. Which, don’t get me wrong, I love Swords of Valor. They are a great bunch of people who do a great show. I just don’t think a vendor should have been put behind their set up. Honestly, if you can go and see their performance, it’s amazing.

The people who came out were an interesting mix. From everyday wear to elaborate costumes to even a couple Doctor Who. Great verity.

Sorry no pictures of the Doctors though. Sad I know but I do my best!

The visitors who came out were nice and chatty and some were down right fun. Like the above picture. She put that together in a month I think she said. Wow!

Besides for bad placement it was a fun time. We are looking forward to next year to see what it will bring.

Do you like renaissance faires? If so let me know. I am always on the look out for new ones. Kitt 🧚‍♂️🐉🔮

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