
It’s weird, I love writing and I love this blog. But some day it feels overwhelming to lift pen to paper. Or in this case, finger to keyboard.

I have asked Di for help. If she notices I haven’t written in a while to tell me to basically get over myself and post something.

Because honestly, sometimes I need help with getting past a block. I need someone to call me out on my mind’s stubbornness for lack of a better way to explain it.

So my fellow writers and bloggers…. Do you ever feel that way. A bit overwhelmed where it freezes you and stops you from writing even though it is something you enjoy? Or even every day reader, do you need help at times to get past your own self?

I am hoping for some suggestions beyond allowing Do to kick me in the butt to get over myself. Lol Thanks Di for doing the kicking when I do need it though. You are Awesome! Kitt 😊❤️

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