Gratitude is all things … Kitt’s daily prompt

How do you express your gratitude?

Gratitude is important. I realize this more and more at work. My family is great for saying thank you, giving a hug, saying your welcome, or a simple thumbs up. But work… Work I have learned that unless I toot my own horn there is very little appreciation or gratitude from management. So I try to make it a point to thank my co-workers or tell them what a great job they are doing. Plus I will bake for them, keeping their dietary restrictions in mind. Because sometimes, just sometimes it’s the little things that can make someone feel appreciated. So to our dear readers, likers, and commenters, I thank you for taking your time to read our blog. You are awesome!!! Kitt 😊

6 responses to “Gratitude is all things … Kitt’s daily prompt”

  1. I think this must be the way all of us show love to each other, by taking the time to leave little comments for each other… I know it makes me feel so special and appreciated… I take it as my way of showing how grateful for you that I really am… you always bring me blessing not just in your comments to me, but in what you write and share… I speak in person to 3 people in my whole world right now, so my connection to love is through the puter… thank you for loving me!

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