October 16, 2023

Today I went back to the doctor for clarification and options. It seems I have to have a two-fer of procedures.

After what feels like a ton of biopsies I have some polyps and a smattering of cells on my cervix wall that might, but probably isn’t (their words) cancer that they are going to scrap out basically. There are technical terms for both procedures, but that is what they are basically doing. They will send everything to the lab and see what they say.

I haven’t a clue beyond, sometimes in November of this happening. So I know they aren’t really worried because they aren’t rushing to get me in when I said I didn’t want to do it before Halloween. (My anniversary that I wasn’t having them ruin.)

I am not really worried about the procedures though. What I am worried about is being put under. I have such a low threshold for anything like that. I mean seriously, twilight which is a very mild sedative put me out till the next day. And I know that in an actual surgery, they are going to use way more than twilight. So that is my biggest fear. But I did address it with the doctor and she made a note in the chart and told me to make sure I tell the anesthesiologist when they come talk to me.

I also know this is a very common surgery, but that doesn’t help alleviate my nerves. But happy thoughts all around in general. I am mostly thankful to finally have some kind of answer to why I was in so much pain and why cramping happened so much and so badly. So all in all, good consultation I think. And that I am thankful for. Kitt 😊 🩷

4 responses to “October 16, 2023”

  1. It is crazy how much better one can cope with pain when they understand the whys of it… I am getting a twofer as well with my eyes… I haven’t even broached the spinal stuff coming up, but for now its the eyes… we can be ouchy buddies!

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