October 18, 2023

Today was baby toe day. I needed to make one more so we could make baby toe earrings. Lol so in about 5 days they will be finished and put together. Then they will be up for sale.

Plus I made home made biscuits and beef stroganoff. So yummy was dinner. I do believe it was one of my best to be honest.

Those were my fun and happy for the day. I love it when I have had a good day! Hope everyone else had a great day as well. Kitt 😊🩷

4 responses to “October 18, 2023”

    • Hahahahahaha…. No I am not harvesting babies. Though I have a job outside the house, my family and I also do crafts. One of our crafts is making fake toes and fingers and hands. I normally make big toes but I had a request for the pinky (baby) toe. So I wanted to see if I could make one, and it worked out. So I am making a set of baby toe earrings. If you look through some of the old post you will see the toes and maybe fingers, maybe hands, but something.

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