October 21, 2023

I don’t talk a lot about my hubby. He can be a wonderful man, and he can be a massive pain in the ass, and we are not talking the good kind either. But no matter what we love each other.

He has a lot of health problems too. Sadly, this has contributed to his own depression and other mental issues. Sadly, his physical health isn’t the best either.

Today he had to start using his oxygen because his oxygen intake was between 91 and 93 without it. Normally when this happens, he uses the oxygen for about 15 minutes and he is good. But today when he came off the oxygen it dropped back to the 91 to 93. Sure that still sounds high, but it really isn’t. So now we have to monitor his oxygen all night, which makes work tomorrow a long day. He is so lucky I love him. And I am so lucky I can do my job in my sleep. Lol

Hopefully it comes back up to at least 97. Otherwise a doctor visit will be happening sooner rather than later. Wish us luck everyone! Kitt 😊🩷

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