October 22, 2023

A little fact about me, I mostly drink water. I used to drink soda and many juices. But now… Soda just doesn’t agree and most juices are too sweet. Minus my morning orange juice, I will have BAI water with dinner. And if you have ever seen one of their bottles, it’s maybe 16 ounces, that can last me 4 to 5 days. So water is my main drink. Now why do I tell you this, because it is just another way I am ridiculous.

You see, at any one time, I can have anywhere from 3 to 5 bottles of water going. And I drink them all throughout the day. This is just another way my laziness comes out. I have them all placed around my house, in my jeep and one at work…

1. At my living room chair, because yes I have a specific chair I use.

2. In my bedroom by my bed, because sometimes you just want a drink but you don’t want to get out of bed.

3. In the kitchen, yes I know that’s where the water is, but it is convenient to have a bottle ready to go.

4. In my car. Because, you know, car water is a thing when driving.

5. One, open, in my office. And I specify open because I actually have 3 in there right now but only one is open.

And yes all but the work ones are cleaned and reused. And even the work one gets refilled at least once.

I am always thirsty I feel at times, but if I don’t have water near me, I normally just don’t drink anything until I have to go to the room the water is in. Again, that’s where my laziness comes into effect again. Not proud of it, just stating a fact. And yes most days the chair and kitchen water bottles get filled during the day a couple times too.

So that’s a little fact about me. It is silly but at least it is good for me. Kitt 😊

4 responses to “October 22, 2023”

  1. I didn’t drink soda really until my late 30s. Water tea and coffee. So I drank a 2 litre in about 30 minutes one time. And 30 minutes later I was locked out of Twitter. This was shortly after Elon bought it. So the platform that was 70% broken AI and 30% hate speech couldn’t handle me. I drink both now. Like a litre of each each day. I should stop with soda but Dr Pepper is like nectar. I pee a lot.

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