October 24, 2023

Dear Diary …

I feel that’s how I should start these posts at times .. lol

My mom left to move back to Florida. I was a little sad but mostly I felt like a huge weight was lifted off me. It is between 18 and 22 hour drive straight through depending on stops/breaks. She has always driven it straight through. I think she will probably do it again this time. So I am also a little worried. But in general I am thankful she left.

My hubby, me and our son went to dinner tonight at Red Robbins. I have noticed there are pretty much only 2 sides for that restaurant. 1. You love it. 2. You could do without it. I am in the first camp. I have never had anything bad from there. And I feel I get my money’s worth for the size of burger I get and the all you can eat fries. Plus the servers are always friendly and personable. By the way, for those who do not know, Red Robbins is a mostly burger joint. They are so good. Heck I probably could have done a post just on them. Lol

So that was my sad and happy things from the day. Hope you had some happiness in your day as well. Kitt ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฉท

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