October 29, 2023

At work this week they have had Front End appreciation. I only worked 2 days of this. Today’s thing was a pot luck. I knew about it last Sunday. Me and one other person brought something by 11am when I left. I was told more people were bringing things but who knows. When I asked others why they didn’t bring anything, the answer was, I didn’t know about it. I completely believe them though, because the list of activities for the week did not include the pot luck. So that was sad. It would have been way nicer if more people knew.

Either way I still had a good day. My job went easy peasy and that’s always great. Plus i put on an ear and tail set I make and handed out candy to all the associates. The smiles on their faces when they see me when I do that is always great.

Besides that, the day in general was good. I sold a big toe keychain at work and got orders for 4 more pairs of Christmas earrings. So yay to that!!!

At home we got our storm windows put in. They help with keeping some of the cold out during winter. So that was awesome too.

So all in all a really good day with smiles to be had. Hope everyone had a smile today as well. Kitt 😊🩷

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