November 2, 2023

Today has been an up and down day. Ups were, I got some new things on Etsy and shopping done. Ant and I even watched more One Piece, which I do love to watch. ๐Ÿ˜

Downs were, my back, knee, and hip were acting up. They have hurt pretty bad today. But I still got my stuff done I needed to so not all bad I would say.

And the medium or draw in my day was a visit to the doctor for a simple check up. That was just a thing. Not good or bad, just a wellness check basically. We are having another in February to see if the changes in my life are helping, hindering or just nothing for my life and mood and physical wellness. I am going for helping myself.

Work is being a pain again too. But I actually work tomorrow so we will see what up. It’s so great to have a business that mostly relies on internet to run to have constant issues with that internet. But what do I know.

Most people have their power back on too. I realized today how lucky my family was with the massive snow we got. So thanks for keeping us safe ๐Ÿ™.

Hope you had some good in your day too. Kitt ๐Ÿ˜Š

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