November 7, 2023

That’s me at work lately. I really like my team, but they tend to forget that I would like a heads up when nothing is working, too.

Besides that, it was a really good day. Hubby grilled hamburgers and steaks. We were able to go for another walk. Both those were awesome!!!

On a more personal note…

I realized today that though I do love my job, I shouldn’t care more than management about when there are problems. I shouldn’t let it get to me as much as I do. So I am going to try and let it go more at work.

I also realized that though I do live my job, it is not my end goal. I thought today’s writing prompt was taken straight from my mind in some ways.

I ultimately want my side hustle business to be my main money maker and my job to be a side hustle. As in, work one maybe two days a week. I figure by the end of next season, at the end of September, I should know if it is a viable thing. I won’t be able to actually start it next year, I think, but I should be able to tell if it is viable. I figure probably 3 years, and I can either only work one to two days or quit and not worry. I have a plan… okay, that’s not actually right, I have an idea of a plan. I am hoping to figure out more of it in the next couple days and then break it down into achievable goals. I am very excited about it, too. Yay 🤗

That was my (mostly) happiest for the day. Hope you had some too! Kitt ☺️

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