Like my mom…

When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Here’s the thing. I answered this last year with ballerina. Which is completely true. But it wasn’t all I wanted to be.

You see, my mom was my whole world at 5. She was a single mom who made it look good. She worked hard and played hard. She always had time for us. She was amazing. That is what my 5 year old self saw. At almost 50 and looking back, I now see more of the truth. She worked 70 hours a week at times.we went to work with her on the weekends, and it was made into an adventure. It’s not  that she played hard. She paid a sitter to make sure we had fun.

Looking back, reality is much different than perception. She was still strong and everything else I said, but when it came to me, more than my brother, I would stay quiet and not want a ton. So it always seemed we had. I realize now, I wanted to be like her in strength for my own family. I believe I achieved it mostly. 😌 Kitt

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