May 21, 2024 … moving in…

Today, we started setting up the chalet and moving in. Though it’s fun proving I M right to my husband and he us wrong, I would have been very happy to be wrong this time. He thought we could fit three 6 foot tables in the chalet, and we could only fit one and one 4 foot table. Plus, a couple of small shelves.

Oh well, it’s a start. We will make it work. Then we will slowly redo it and make it look better. Who knows, maybe by the time it closes in December, it will be perfect. Lol

Besides that, I worked on the money for royal stagg and niles ren faires. We did way better combined than I thought we did. Now I just need to update the inventory and make more fur ear and a few more smaller tails. What an odd statement. Aahhh, the life of a crafter. Lol, that is a tomorrow thing, along with starting the chalet product set up.

Have a great night all. Sweetest of dreams. My hubby has offered me a wonderful night. Yay!!! Night all! Kitt ☺️

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