June 1, 2024… Pride month begins…

Today was the pride celebration in my city. Everyone told me the items I sell would go like hotcakes. I had a decent day at the chalet, but hotcakes did not happen. I did meet a lot of fun people. Got asked a rather interesting question about my tails. Got to see some friends I haven’t seen in a while. Heard some interesting things from parents about their young children. Sold some stuff. All and all, it was a good day.

The interesting question was about my tails. The ones I make clip on. The one he was hoping I make get inserted in the tushy. I do not make those. I understand the concept to make one, but the fur I use is not the type I would use for something like that if I could avoid it. There is nothing wrong with the fur I use, I would just want a higher standard of fur for pet play to that extent. Personal preference, not that I have done that. Though I do see the draw to it.

The interesting thing a parent said about their young child… she bought a tail and ear set for their maybe 7 year old daughter. There is nothing interesting there. The interesting part is when the little girl said, look mom I am now a wolf. The mom looks at me and says she is already starting her furry journey. The little girl is 7. She is playing dress up. I tend to wonder if the mom actually understands what a furry really is. Because I find it hard to believe a 7 year old is doing anything more than playing dress up or make believe.

People are weird what can insay. I am tired, though, so I am getting ready for bed. Good night, everyone! Sweetest of dreams! Kitt ☺️

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