June 5, 2024 … sitting here in quiet

Normally, I go to bed early, and hubby stays up. Tonight, it looks like it might rain a bit, so he went to bed early in case he has to dry our the basement. Because yes, when it rains too much to quick, our basement gets wet. We really need to figure out if it is a simple fix, like capping the non-useful chimney or having to have it removed. One is way more expensive. Lol

Since I am up, I decided to do my daily post a little early.

Work itself was fine. I am convinced more now than ever that the person who does the scheduling wants me out of there. I told her that for the month of June, I can not work Saturday or Sundays. That gives her 5 other days to work me. I talked to the other two people in my department, and they are fine with it. I even tried to change my availability. She denied the change in availability and told me that I couldn’t have both Saturday and Sunday off. I said we’ll I can’t work Sunday, so if I am scheduled, I will just trade or give them away. She said, “Well, if you can, it’s fine.” Shockingly, on the 23rd, not only am I scheduled, but so are both the other people I work with. It is  total bullshit is what it is.

When one of my coworkers and I switched two Sundays, she complained about it. Now, she has made it to where it can’t happen. All three of us never work on the same Sunday. Once in a while, two of us might. But literally never all three of us. This is just one reason I think she is trying to get rid of me. She does way more than that. Plus, the way she talks to me is very rude and disrespectful. I have even asked others who hear it to make sure I am not simply mistaken. Everyone agrees she does not talk to me right.

I don’t call in unless I have no choice. In the 6 and a half years I have been doing this job, I have called in twice. Once, when I was so sick, I couldn’t open my eyes without getting dizzy and dry heaving. And once when I hurt my leg and couldn’t walk very well for a couple of days. Needless to day, she shouldn’t have scheduled me to where I couldn’t switch it. Now I am just calling in because I told them I couldn’t work and she decided she didn’t care.

Mind you, she works with people she likes all the time to get them the best schedules or give them time off they need.

Wow, that was a bitch fest. I would say sorry, but since this is my blog and I obviously need to get that off my chest, I am not sorry. Lol but if you did actually read all that, thanks. She is one of the main reasons I really want this little shed shop to work out. Having to go to work and deal with her is becoming too much.

Besides that, my day has been good. I got some copies made for the other shed shop owners to help them know when we are supposed to be open and when events are happening, and when cruise shops are coming to port. Plus, I got this week’s paperwork in order to help it run smoother.

It has been a good day. I even got to watch some stupid movies. (By the way, when I say watch, I mean they are on, and I am doing other things over half the time.) Lol

Good night all. Wish us luck this weekend for nice weather and many sales. Kitt ☺️

6 responses to “June 5, 2024 … sitting here in quiet”

    • She controls the schedule and thinks she is my boss at times. She isn’t. And I have gotten to the point that I like to correct her when she starts to get ridiculous about things. Example… she likes to say me and my co-horts are responsible for cleaning the break room and training room. Nope. It is everyone’s responsibility to clean those areas. Mind you, I work from 4:30am to 9am, I use a toaster and a plastic knife. Every morning I work, I wipe everything down, push the chairs in, and make sure the phones are charging. I don’t do floors or dishes. If there is a spill, I will clean it, though, for safety. She doesn’t like when I point out it is everyone’s responsibility. But I just bust out the sheet that says it. And I only do that because she likes to bust out the sheet that has my job description. I am a tad petty. Lol


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